Methamphetamine Abuse Treatment
At Roots Recovery
Methamphetamine Abuse Treatment at Roots Recovery
At Roots Recovery, we help those seeking treatment for substance abuse disorders overcome their addictions, and one of the most important weapons you’ll have in your fight against meth abuse is the knowledge of what you’re up against. Read on to find out more about methamphetamine, the signs and symptoms of addiction, and how Roots Recovery can help.

What is Methamphetamine?
Methamphetamine, also known as “meth” or “crystal meth,” is a highly addictive stimulant that triggers a rush of dopamine in the brain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is linked to the “reward center” of the brain and makes a person feel pleasure. The massive dopamine influx caused by methamphetamine will not only cause feelings of euphoria, but also increased energy and talkativeness, along with decreased appetite.
Methamphetamine was originally developed from amphetamine, which is used in ADHD medications like Adderall. Methamphetamine is far more potent in comparable doses, and can cause lasting damage to the central nervous system. Amphetamines are also legal and typically prescribed in low, no-refill doses to treat ADHD and narcolepsy, among other conditions, although they also have the potential to be abused.
There are several different ways methamphetamine can be used. It can be snorted, smoked, swallowed, and even injected. The dopamine spike caused by meth often fades quickly, leading an individual to use more of the drug to achieve the same high, and alleviate the unpleasant side effects after the rush.
Commonly Abused Amphetamines:
- Adderall
- Vyvanse
- Ritalin
- Concerta
- Focalin
- Metadate
- Dexedrine
- Methylin

Signs and Symptoms
of Methamphetamine Addiction
- Irritability, agitation, and mood swings
- Loss of appetite and sudden weight loss
- Burns on lips or fingers
- Paranoia
- Skin sores
- Rapid eye movement
- Erratic sleeping patterns
- Rotting teeth
- Neglecting professional or personal obligations
- Experiencing social, interpersonal, or financial problems
Methamphetamine causes dry mouth, which can lead to serious dental problems. This is so common that it’s often called “meth mouth.” Meth can also cause hallucinations such as an itching sensation which causes the user to scratch themselves to the point where they create open wounds. As a result, dental issues and skin sores are two of the most common indicators of a methamphetamine addiction.
Many meth users binge and crash, going days without eating or sleeping while continuously using methamphetamine. The effects of this are noticeable in that they cause a person to act “tweaked,” meaning that they speak, act, and move in a jumbled, disorganized way. A meth user may act confused, irrational, and have sudden outbursts, engage in violent or criminal behavior, or appear nervous or twitchy.

Effects of Methamphetamine
Abuse and Addiction
When a person has been abusing methamphetamine, they experience a rush of pleasurable feelings, creating a false sense of well-being and an abundance of energy, which leads to a “crash” once the drugs wear off. The immediate side effects of using methamphetamine include:
- Anxiety
- Increased heart rate
- Chest pain
- Aggression
- Insomnia
- Muscle twitching
- Hallucinations
- Paranoia
As with many substances, the long-term effects of methamphetamine abuse can take a serious toll on a person’s health. Some of these effects include:
- Respiratory issues
- Severe tooth decay
- Heart disease
- Kidney and liver failure
- Premature aging
- Skin infections
- Malnutrition
- High blood pressure
- Seizures
- Impaired cognition
- Delusions
- Depression
- Memory loss
- Psychosis
- Deficits in motor skills
A person can also develop a tolerance for methamphetamine which causes them to use more and more of the drug to achieve the same high. Meth elevates the body temperature, which can lead to heatstroke, heart attack, or seizure. Failing to treat a meth overdose immediately can result in coma or death.
Methamphetamine Detox and Withdrawal
- Anxiety
- Fatigue and hypersomnia
- Depression
- Psychosis, hallucinations, and delusions
- Paranoia
- Increased appetite
- Dehydration
- Internal temperature fluctuation
Symptoms of methamphetamine withdrawal are most intense during the first twenty-four hours after last using meth, and may last several weeks afterwards. The length and severity of symptoms will depend on a variety of factors, including how long the user has been addicted, how much they have been using, the quality of the drug they were using, and their history of drug use. The longer a person has been addicted to meth, the worse the symptoms will be.
Although the symptoms will differ slightly between individuals, methamphetamine detox can be uncomfortable and dangerous. It’s important to seek professional help when trying to stop using methamphetamine, because a team of experienced addiction specialists will have the tools to help a person cope with the symptoms in order to quit using the drug safely.
Treatment for Meth Addiction
in Milwaukee, WI
If you or a loved one are struggling with methamphetamine abuse, our experienced admissions team is standing by to help. To learn more about our continuum of services, click the link below or reach out to us directly at 844.447.6687 today.